Yellow Tail Sauvignon Blanc, 750ml
Made in South Eastern Australia, [ yellow tail ] Sauvignon Blanc is a white wine that brings the flavors and essence of the region to your glass, ensuring a smile with each sip. This sauvignon blanc is everything a great wine should be with its easy to drink, crisp taste and fresh flavor profile. Featuring bold flavors of passionfruit and grapefruit, this white wine is light bodied and refreshing. Enjoy this white wine with a seafood dinner or a picnic lunch. Take an adventurous approach to this bottle of wine by adding sauvignon blanc wine to a tropical sangria, perfect for sharing with friends. [ yellow tail ] wine is wonderful for livening up casual dinners with loved ones and bringing a lighthearted spirit to any and every event and celebration. This [ yellow tail ] wine bottle is 750 ml and has a 12% ABV. Great quality wine can be affordable and good fun too. We like our wines to be vibrant, flavorsome and approachable, making everyday moments even more enjoyable. A wine for any occasion, [ yellow tail ] is easy to choose, drink and enjoy.